RAW Adventures lead the way again!


Kate & Ross Worthington of RAW Adventures/Climb Snowdon are Business Members and key partners on Snowdonia Society workdays, enabling our volunteers to clear litter and maintain well trodden footpaths safely.

In recent years, they have kindly donated £1 to the Snowdonia Society for every person they have led up Snowdon.  This year’s donation of £402 is enough to cover the cost of organising 6 volunteer workdays: over 300 volunteer hours on Snowdon clearing drains and culverts, deconstructing cairns and picking up litter.

Raw Adventures are setting highs standards for responsibly leading people in the mountains up Snowdon and are leading the way in giving something back to Snowdonia. A big thank you to RAW adventures and good luck to Kate as she starts her term of office as Chair of BMC Cymru!

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