Glyn Rhonwy consultation

(Glyn Rhonwy - Image: Daily Post)

(Image: Daily Post)

The problem

Snowdonia Pumped Hydro Ltd (SPH) have obtained planning permission from Gwynedd Council for a 49.9MW pumped storage development at Glyn Rhonwy, and are now applying to double the capacity of the project to 99.9MW.

Threat of new pylons?

We are concerned that the development could result in new pylons blighting the iconic views of northern Snowdonia, and that there are currently no safeguards against this happening. We are also concerned about the potential impacts on access and local water bodies including Llyn Padarn.

The detail

This application is currently being dealt with as a ‘major infrastructure project’ by the Planning Inspectorate on behalf of the Department of Energy and Climate Change.

As part of the application process SPH are required to consult on their plans. The Snowdonia Society has made several submissions to the developer’s consultation.

Snowdonia Society response submissions

Links & Resources

Glyn Rhonwy project on the National Infrastructure Planning website

Information about the scheme on the developer’s website: Snowdonia Pumped Hydro – Glyn Rhonwy

 Concerned About Glyn Rhonwy? a local campaign page on Facebook

 Loving our Lake‘ a community group based in Llanberis dedicated to helping protect Llyn Padran for the future.

Snowdonia Society on Facebook

How you can help

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Read more on the Facebook page Concerned About Glyn Rhonwy?

Glyn Rhonwy’s secret

Watch this video about the quarry as posted on the Facebook page Concerned About Glyn Rhonwy?


Glyn Rhonwy

Glyn Rhonwy (Image courtesy Snowdonia Pumped Hydro)