New Project Officer for Tŷ Hyll

We bid farewell to Bethan who left us in May to start a new job as a Seasonal warden with Snowdonia National Park Authority.  We wish her all the best for the future and thank her for all her hard work in running a fantastic set of events at Tŷ Hyll over the last year. Da iawn Bethan!

We are delighted to welcome Tamsin Fretwell, who has taken over the role of Project Officer for the Growing Tŷ Hyll project. Tamsin brings with her a wealth of experience: from practical hands on management of reserves to organising many events for the public.   “There will be something for everyone” says Tamsin when asked about her plans “from bug hunts for the kids to formal training in identification skills, I’m keen to make sure that the Growing Tŷ Hyll project has something that appeals to everyone!” So watch this space!

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